stub 10 "Best" AI SEO Tools (November 2023)
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10 “Best” AI SEO Tools (November 2023)

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) requires a multifaceted strategy that includes researching competition, analyzing what keywords are capable of driving traffic, creating an external and internal link building strategy, and optimizing page loading speed.

Below we feature the best SEO tools to increase your odds of ranking high in Google.

1. Jasper

Many recognize Jasper as the best overall AI writing assistant, leading the market with its impressive features and quality. You first provide it with seed words, which Jasper then analyzes before creating phrases, paragraphs, or documents based on the subject matter and tone of voice. It is capable of producing a 1,500-word article in less than 15 minutes.

The platform has more than 50 AI content generation templates, including blog posts, emails, marketing copy, Facebook ad generator, Google ad generator, meta title and description, press release, and much more.

Here is a look at some of the best features of Jasper:

  • More than 11,000 free fonts and 2,500 categories of writing styles
  • Supports 25+ languages
  • Intuitive interface
  • Long-form writing assistant (1,000+ words)
  • Identify key elements in text (pronouns, verbs, names, etc.)

We also Compare Jasper Vs. Copy AI & Jasper Vs. Scalenut.

Read our Jasper Review or visit Jasper.

2. Pictory

Pictory is an AI video generator that enables you to easily create and edit high-quality videos. One of the best aspects of the tool is that you don’t need any experience in video editing or design, and best of all videos add retention time to your website which increases SEO.

You start by providing a script or article, which will serve as the base for your video content. For example, Pictory can turn your blog post into an engaging video to be used for social media or your website. This is a great feature for personal bloggers and companies looking to increase engagement and quality. Since it is based in the cloud, it works on any computer. 

Pictory also allows you to easily edit videos using text, which is perfect for editing webinars, podcasts, Zoom recordings, and more. It’s simple to use and takes just minutes before delivering professional results that help you grow your audience and build your brand. 

Another great feature of Pictory is that you can create shareable video highlight reels, which proves useful for those looking to create trailers or share short clips on social media. Besides these great features, you can also automatically caption your videos and automatically summarize long videos. 

Here are some of the main features of Pictory: 

  • Video based on articles or scripts
  • Edit videos using text
  • Create shareable video highlight reels
  • Automatically caption and summarize videos

Read our Pictory Review or visit Pictory.

3. is designed for SEO professionals, when creating a post you can simply choose your title, keywords, the desired tone of the writing, and the goal of the article (such as teaching).

Once this is complete you can choose to review the outline of the article, before the article is completed, this enables you to verify that the article optimization t best matches your use case. It takes seconds for the article to work magic to produce full-length and high-quality posts. You can have it rewrite paragraphs and polish up sentences. Then, just copy and paste the work into your CMS for publishing.

Choose from 90 tools and templates to quickly leap into content creation. Use cases includes blog content, listicles, and social media posts.

We also Compare Vs. Jasper.

Read our Review or visit

4. Pro Rank Tracker

One of the most difficult aspects of SEO is knowing in real-time where you currently rank. Searching in Google manually is not time efficient, and it leaves the risk of personalized and localized results giving you a false impression.

This is the best tool on the market to quickly identify your current rankings with its powerful tools.

Rank tracking – Get reliable rank tracking from anywhere with any device.

Rankings Analysis – Online views, data visualizations and charts that enables fast analysis of ranking progress and make informed decisions based on insights.

Reporting – If you want to send your reports to potential investors, clients, or internal team members they offer the ability to automatically generate and send customized, white-label reports.

5. Scalenut

Scalenut is essentially an all in one marketing tool and is designed to scale. It enables you to quickly and get the entire keyword plan for your niche and to generate a content management strategy to dominate these terms. The software is divided into 4 sections:

Research – Uncover insights and build a strategy that works by getting all the insights and semantic key terms you need to outpace your competition.

Create – Write SEO content that ranks by using the most advanced versions of NLP and NLU (Natural Language Processing & Natural Language Understanding). It offers real-time optimization based on SERP statistics, and offers content that can deliver.

Optimize – Get real-time feedback on where your content stands with a dynamic SEO score. Improve on the go, no more revisions!

Marketing Copy – Write persuasive copy that brings conversions with 40+ AI copywriting templates. This includes the following:

  • Product descriptions
  • Website copy
  • Copywriting Frameworks
  • Email Copyrighting

Claim a 20% discount off the monthly subscription fee. Discount Code: FOREVER20 

We also Compare Scalenut Vs. Jasper.

Read our Scalenut Review or visit Scalenut.

6. Content at Scale

Designed for SEO, and for websites that need to scale content, the generative AI model is designed to generate humanlike content and passes even the strongest and most accurate AI detectors.

Users can create long-form blog posts in minutes from a keyword, YouTube video, podcast, existing blog, PDF or document, or custom audio file – all with your own unique voice and writing style. For SEO-focused content publishers who need long-form content, and with the ability to product content quickly it is a solid option.

  • Take a keyword (or hundreds of them) that you want to rank for, and minutes later have a 2,600+ word blog post that’s optimized and nearly publish-ready.
  • The system researches the article in real-time, uses NLP and semantic analysis and SEO best practices to compile the entire article for you.
  • Take any existing article, and have a freshly written article created that uses the source URL as context for the all new article

7. PageSpeed Insights

As I discussed extensively in my SEO optimization guide, one of the most overlooked aspects of ranking high in Google is how how fast your page loads, this has been a ranking factor since at least 2017, and is extremely important especially for mobile users.

This free tool is provided by Google for website owners to analyze how Google assesses their page loading speed. If your website is Green and you pass then you will be not be excluded from the search results:

Unfortunately, if you fail then you need to immediately work on rectifying this situation. The three metrics that you should focus on are:

  • First Contentful Paint
  • Largest Contentful Paint
  • Cumulative Layout Shift

The first contentful paint is the above the fold content that is first seen when a page loads – How many microseconds does it take until it is finished loading?

The largest contentful Paint marks the time at which the largest text or image is painted. This is when optimizing image size takes priority.

Cumulative Layout Shift measures the movement of visible elements within the viewport as the page loads. You may have personally encountered this when  you begin reading content on a page to then have the content on the screen shift, this can cause frustration amongst users.

Every business owner must ensure that they are familiar with this tool. If you see a red FAILED notification then you need to rectify the situation, as it increases the odds that you will not be able to rank highly.

8. Nitro Pack

Knowing the importance of optimizing page loading speed is important, especially to pass Google PageSpeed Insights – Nitro Pack is the tool that enables the optimization of this speed. It provides everything you need for a fast website, in one place. Features like caching, image optimization, and a CDN are ready to go out of the box.

Image Optimization

  • Lossy and lossless image compression;
  • Advanced Lazy loading (including background images defined in the CSS);
  • Preemptive image sizing;
  • WebP conversion (when supported by the browser).
  • Adaptive Image Sizing.

Code Optimization

  • HTML, CSS and JS minification & compression;
  • Critical CSS, DNS prefetching, preloading and more.
  • GZIP and Brotli Compression

Loading Optimization

  • Built-in global CDN
  • Smart cache invalidation;
  • Automatic cache warmup;
  • Device and cookie-aware caching;
  • Browser and session-aware caching.

9. Surfer SEO

Surfer is primarily a tool for generating SEO content, some of the core functionalities include:

Outline Builder – Use the built-in Outline Builder to structure your content into a detailed outline complete with unique potential headings and questions.

Topic Discovery – Discover dozens of relevant topic clusters in a matter of minutes, this enables a strategy to target different keywords.

Keywords Volume & Search Intent – Check search intent for your target audience and evaluate monthly search volume and keyword difficulty at a glance. While Google does offer this functionality for free via the Google Keyword Planner, this tool is easier and less frustrating to use.

Internal content structure – This is seamlessly optimized by using real-time metrics for structure, and word count.

AI Writing – Utilize the full power of Surfer to write well-researched and high-quality articles.

AI Content & Plagiarism – While some affiliates may choose to rely on AI generated content, this could result in a Google penalty, this is why the built-in plagiarism and AI content checker is an important tool if you want to avoid penalties.

Read our Surfer SEO Review or visit Surfer SEO.

#10. SEM Rush

This powerful platform offers a range of tools that replaces the functionality of other products that includes Google Trends, MOZ, Hootsuite and SimilarWeb.

Some of the tools that are offered include:

Traffic Analysis – Benchmark your website traffic against competitors to see where you stand. See their estimated total traffic, top traffic sources, bounce rate, time on page, and more to inform your next strategy.

Keyword Research – When it comes to SEO, researching keywords should be at the top of your list. Discover your organic search competitors and find opportunities to compete against them. Learn the value of the exact keywords they’re ranking for and highlight the gaps that even your rivals overlook.

Keyword GAP – It can be difficult to compete for the most obvious keywords, the best strategy for new websites is to chase after long-tail keywords. These are search terms that are often neglected by legacy market leaders. This tool enables you to compare up to five competitors side by side and find the gaps in keyword strategies that you can start to target.

Backlinks Analytics – Backlinks is still one of the most important elements to rank websites highly. This tool enables the sourcing of new backlink opportunities for your own site. Simply enter your competitor’s site to see all of their backlinks. Then, find their top referring domains, apply filters to find specific sites, and even pinpoint their most recently acquired and lost backlinks. With this information you can then discover how your competition is sourcing backlinks, the types of articles that get these links, and you can formulate a strategy to do the same.

Position Tracking – It used to be that you needed dedicated software simply to track your current ranking for multiple keywords in Google. This time saving tool is included in this platform, with this information it is recommended that you focus on pages that are ranking anywhere from position #6 to #20, and work on improving the pages for those keywords. Improvements include optimizing the content on the website to maximize user conversion and retention rate.

Writing Assistant – While you should always write content that is generated with a user first mindset, these tools can help to ensure that the content is Google friendly. This can be integrated directly into your Google Docs or WordPress account.

Content Audit – This is one of the most under appreciated features of this platform, audit your content assets and automatically break them down into sets for further improvement. Find pieces that need to be updated, rewritten or deleted using Google Analytics, Search Console and SEM Rush data.

These various tools and more are why SEM Rush is at the top of our list.


With the proliferation of writing tools such as Jasper, and all of the AI writing tools that use variants of GPT 3, 3.5, and 4.0 there is a need for business owners to be able to detect when writing is generated by AI. solves this problem, it can scan an entire website for AI generated content or plagiarism, and it can do so in a cost-effective manner. This is the best solution for content publishers that hire writers and worry if the content is generated by AI or plagiarized.

A founding partner of unite.AI & a member of the Forbes Technology Council, Antoine is a futurist who is passionate about the future of AI & robotics.

He is also the Founder of an investing website, the generative AI platform, & is he is currently working on launching a platform that will offer users the ability to configure and deploy autonomous agents by breaking prompts into sub-tasks.